A robbery that a dash cam captured.
  • 2021/09/17 13:39
  • 조회 524

Since the installation of dash cams has become popular these days, we have always been together on the road, and many incidents that occur in the meantime are being caught on the dash cam.

Accidents between vehicles as well as crime scenes are being filmed on the dash cam. In particular, a lot of robberies that occur suddenly are being caught.




A robbery who suddenly broke into a taxi and threatened to extort money while pointing a gun was also recorded on the dash cam. In the video, the robber is threatening to steal everything from the taxi driver. it is vividly revealed how terrified the taxi driver must have been from the robber and even it has got on the BBC news broadcast. Fortunately, the culprit was caught by the police at the scene. In another video, the dash cam even recorded a scene where a robber assaulted the driver with a gun and threatened to leave the car with his wallet.






In the other video, the actions of the robbers who commit blatant crimes by getting off the road while the car is running on the road while the road is jammed were also recorded on the dash cam. The robber, who parked his car near the suddenly stopped car, got off without hesitation, smashed the rear window to wake him up, and then pulled out objects in the back seat and ran away. They tried to steal expensive items such as camera equipment and drones.

Thanks to the dash cams, all the criminals above could be caught more easily.

Therefore, it is necessary to be aware not only of accidents between vehicles, but also of the fact that they are exposed to robbers. The incidents exposed to the media are extremely frequent, but how many incidents occur inside the vehicle? It is expected that there will be many accidents that threaten the safety of passengers as well as robberies.

Being in a car doesn't mean it's safe, and since more and more heinous incidents occur day by day, dash cam is essential not only to prevent them, but also to solve the incidents that have happened, and it guarantees my safety.





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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GONTHEROAD


Photo – taken by GNET SYSTEM

Author – Victoria Choi