GNET SYSTEM CO.,LTD.  Opened the Brand Store in US AMAZON
  • 2021/03/29 14:29
  • 조회 5,137






GNET SYSTEM is aiming for the overseas distribution market of dash cams as a global market

by strengthening its overseas distribution channels and entering the Amazon US brand store.

GNET SYSTEM recently introduced the Marvel Edition, Iron Man Dual Dash Cam with various enthusiasts in the North American market

to expand the dash cam experience and purchase channels for overseas customers.

It also spurred the sale of displaying dash cam accessories on brand store to customers who couldn’t purchase them in the US before.











In fact, GNET SYSTEM is paying attention by attracting rational consumption of consumers by applying various advertisement programs,

such as Lightening Deal, Coupons and etc to attract Prime Members, based on Amazon’s loyal customers.

An official of GNET SYSTEM said, “It is an important time to secure a B2C sales channel to attract global customers,

and the launch of the ‘GNET SYSTEM Brand Store’ in Amazon US started to expand the purchasing convenience to overseas customers in this situations.”.

Therefore, with the increasing interests in dash cams from domestic and overseas customers like this, GNET SYSTEM is

in the process of producing and distributing its own brand products.

GNET SYSTEM said, “We are now planning to open the Amazon Store in Japan in the future

with a positive decision as the global e-commerce market expands”.




   Visit the Brand Store, NOW